(1 review)
Cuckoo is a long established supplier of fantastic fashion, creative, science and nature products. They distribute toys for a wide range of licences including Calafant, Schaffer and Small World Toys, the maker of "tag" fashion kits for boys and girls.
Just For Boys Tags
Customize 6 metal tags using the 65 rub-on decals and special marker. Set includes 6 metal tags with chains, 65 decals, 2 applicator sticks plus special coloured marker.
Boy decals include sea life, letters, stars and more. Rectangular tag: 1"W x 1ΒΌ"H
Suitable for ages 8+
Just For Girls Tags
Customize 6 metal tags with 225 glittering stickers and special marker. Set includes 6 metal tags with chains, 225 stickers plus special coloured marker.
Stickers include shiny hearts, stars, flowers and letters.
Star tag: 1"W x 1"H. Suitable for ages 8+
The world's most famous online retailer sells an unparalleled selection of toys.
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1 person has reviewed this product:
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Comment by Tracey, 25th November 2015
Excellent for boys and girls creative skills