Many toys are geared very much towards helping the 4 year old preschoolers prepare for their major step into the world of education. Huge advancements have been made in the area of developmental and learning toys over recent years. Popular toy brands like Fisher Price and Vtech producing some excellent interactive electronic and educational toys with a vast array of software to suit individual requirements.
Kids of this age still want to have a lot of fun though, so you can do much worse than look towards playsets, dolls houses and action figures to keep them entertained. As they become more technologically savvy, they may also start pestering you for the latest radio-controlled toys. Although this may sound expensive, it doesn't have to be. Plus, this really doesn't need to be as much of a chore because this is the age when kids toys can start to be ‘borrowed’ from time-to-time by the parents!
Each one of these adorable little characters comes with their very own baby birdie friend.
This fun-loving character comes to life in this exciting 'action and skills' matching game
Provides the perfect place to play with your favourite Moshis with a fully working basket lift.
Instructions are included in the pack for ten mini games that are all curriculum based.
If you fail to challenge him correctly, it's game over and time to reach for the drying towel.
Children can use the ‘randomisers’ to choose which way their car will race out.
A concealed 'voice box' hidden inside gives Raa Raa give an incredibly loud roar!.