The 'terrible threes' may result in a few tantrums and tears, but it's a brilliant age where your child will really start to develop their personality and grow in confidence and independence.
Each one of these adorable little characters comes with their very own baby birdie friend.
This fun-loving character comes to life in this exciting 'action and skills' matching game
Instructions are included in the pack for ten mini games that are all curriculum based.
A concealed 'voice box' hidden inside gives Raa Raa give an incredibly loud roar!.
These packs see the introduction of 16 additional and exciting characters.
Scaled to suit the micro Moshling characters, a ferris wheel and orbiting ball feature in this set.
This clever British designed PL-UG den system consists of seven well thought out modules.
A Chase action figure is included as well as a SUV police car for him to set off on his next rescue!