First shown on CBeebies TV channel in February 2013, Sarah and Duck is a charming show for preschool children. Narrated by Roger Allen, the series follows the exploits of seven year old Sarah and her great friend Duck. A second series quickly followed the first one, and in June 2015 BBC Worldwide announced that they had commissioned a third series of this popular kid's show.
The adventures that both characters encounter during each show are seen through Sarah’s big and wide open eyes. With surprises and problem solving at the centre of each episode, kids are taught how to use logic to understand a difficult situation. Duck occasionally blunders on without thinking things through.
Such is the popularity of Sarah and Duck that specialist plush toy supplier Posh Paws was commissioned to create a series of soft toys to reflect the personalities of each of the characters. Sarah Dower the Group Brand Manager at Posh Paws said, “We will be offering a plush range with a difference and that offers retailers and consumers something unique and special - just like Sarah herself!”
Additionally, Penguin developed a series of books, with the first one titled ‘Sarah and Duck meet the Penguins’. This one was followed soon after by ‘Sarah and Duck go to the Funfair’.
Other toy and gift companies produce items like games, jigsaws and role play toys. Fans of the show can also purchase stickers and albums, DVDs and playsets, together with ranges of partyware and dressing up costumes.
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A UK-based website that sells character toys and other character-based products.