Broadcast by UK TV channel Tiny Pop, Miffy’s Adventures Big and Small has caught the imagination of millions of preschool children all over the country. Created in Holland, the series follows Miffy the cute bunny and her friends Grunty and Melanie, as they travel on adventures learning about lots of new and exciting places.
As well as Dick Bruna’s Miffy stories that were the inspiration for the TV series, fans of the show can also purchase lots of exciting soft toys, musical cot mobiles, mugs, gift cards and even nappy cakes! Rainbow Designs were entrusted with creating the plush huggable characters whilst publisher Simon & Schuster used advanced 3D printing in a selection of special Miffy books.
Moving far beyond toys and publishing, the franchise extends to homewares, baby clothes, rattles, notepads, magnets and even tea towels. It seems that Miffy has stimulated interest from all ages who love the adorable little character and her friends. Parents can share in the enjoyment that their little ones get from watching the show.
The world's most famous online retailer sells an unparalleled selection of toys.
Junior Bambinos is an online baby and toddler store selling a wide range of children's wooden toys, furniture and gifts.