Created by Nigel Stone at Platinum Films, the Matt Hatter Chronicles is a ground breaking animated TV series that is aimed at boys aged 7 – 11 years old. Shown on Nickelodeon in the UK, the series features Matt Hatter as the main character who travels into the Multiverse battling many infamous villains. His friend Marlon is a dwarf Tasmanian Devil in the ‘real’ world, whereas Roxie and Gomez accompany Matt into the Multiverse where they come up against movies, myths and legends.
Matt Hatter Chronicles toys are still in design and planning stages with several big name toy companies battling over the rights to make the toys that are worthy of this superbly produced TV show. A full length feature film is rumoured to be in production, and Topps UK are manufacturing and distributing a series of Matt Hatter trading cards. Fans of the show can also expect to see books and annuals as well as range of gifts.
As Matt develops into a hero, his visits to the twelve different Multiverse regions arm him with some incredible gadgets like a Cell Blaster, Sand Surfer, Gladiator Skateboard and Bat Wing Flyer. There’s no doubt many of these technologically advanced gizmos will make some great Matt Hatter toys as well as the customary action figures of Matt and his friends. We mustn't forget his arch enemy Teneroc, who is determined to release various villains from the Life Cell - he will translate well into the evil character toy!
Watch this space for regular updates on Matt Hatter toys, gifts, gadgets and gizmos.
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