Based around the highly popular animated TV series of Littlest Pet Shop, the toys brand has extended far beyond the characters featured in the shows. Toy makers Hasbro are the lead licensee for Littlest Pet Shop toys, and every year they introduce new characters and ranges to complement the changing stories in the show.
With lovely names such as Happy Puppy, Hurrying Hamsters and Chattering Pets, the vast selections of Littlest Pet Shop toys will keep the kids amused for hours on end in absorbing and educational make believe play. Apart from small plastic figurines and play sets (some of which are produced in limited quantities) the Littlest Pet Shop toys have expanded into gorgeous soft toys featuring most of the favourite characters such as Ladybug, Mouse, Spider, Horse and lots more.
The name is now used on hundreds of other kid's products, and children just love anything associated with the series. Apart from the Littlest Pet Shop toys, parents can purchase cards, electronic games, watches, scooters and even a special version of Monopoly. Kids can even have their own matching duvet covers and pillows printed with some of their favourite characters. If you prefer real-life pet shops, try visiting our sister directory, Pet Shops UK.
The world's most famous online retailer sells an unparalleled selection of toys.