The hugely popular Groovy Girls dolls are inspiration for girls all over the world to celebrate their individual styles and ways of self expression. The different personalities of each doll are apparent just by looking at the diverse faces, hair styles and fashionable clothes that are each dolls signature.
With great names like Darise, Alesa, Aqualina, Latasha and Lycia, Groovy Girls dolls really are at the peak of fashion. Some fantastic accessories have been created to complement the dolls and include items like a vanity set, school desk, horses, cats and dogs all with groovy names like Lunna, Liola and Lilac.
The extra Groovy Girls outfits are kept up to date with constantly introduced new clothes that include smart fluffy slippers, party dresses, summer frocks and even ball gowns. Modern and retro sofas and cars add to the excitement and desire for young girls to own several of these fashion conscious and modern Groovy Girls dolls.
The world's most famous online retailer sells an unparalleled selection of toys.