By knowing exactly what appeals to little girls, Interplay came up with designs for a superb selection of nine arts & crafts sets known collectively as Fab Lab. Each one contains enough products and instructions to complete a stimulating activity that girls can do on their own or with friends.
The Perfume set for example teaches you how to blend different fragrances to create the perfect scent and includes bottles and labels to give your scent a unique name! There’s a bigger version of this set known as the Deluxe Scent Lab with an even bigger choice of perfumes.
Everyone loves to have a soak in the bath, so the Bath Bombs set enables you to create your very own fizzy bath time colours. The Hairlights set gives you six different temporary colours to try, whilst the Hair Flair box lets you create special hair extensions and trendy braids. Other sets in the Fab Lab range include Tattoos, Nail Art and the ultimate Style Lab.
Children's imaginations soar with the finest in creative toys.
Every little girl loves some sparkly jewellery they've made themselves.
Budding mechanics, chefs or doctors love the great choice of role play toys.