Charlie and Lola is a brilliant animated educational TV series for younger children. It focuses on the relationship between the two main brother and sister characters and how they deal with all the problems, enjoyment and other issues that crop up on an everyday basis. The series has inspired some particularly good Charlie and Lola games, toys and other merchandise such as books, DVDs and pyjamas.
The Charlie and Lola series is so popular that BBC Worldwide appointed Rainbow Designs as the UK master toy licence holder for many different ranges of branded products. Items include Lola plush toys, bean bag toys, tea sets, painting sets and games including a special version of dominoes. Other companies make popular party items with ranges of plates, cups, streamers and balloons to liven up a Charlie and Lola themed event.
The Charlie and Lola toys and games are always a hit with the kids, none more so than soft bodied versions of Charlie and Lola themselves. In addition there are puzzles, character playsets and card games to keep the children amused. The series is shown on BBC, and all the products can be found nationwide in toy and gift shops, or on the websites of many retailers.
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