Starting life on TV as a series of animated stories, Bin Weevils quickly morphed into an impressively popular online game. Featuring the colourful ants, Tink and Clott, Bin Weevils was even named the Best Kids Website by BAFTA in 2011. Children can play several different games on the website, as well as create their own ant characters and garden scenery.
Top UK toy supplier Character Options beat off stiff competition to win the licence to design and produce Bin Weevils toys. Plush soft toys, collectable figurines, board games and playsets are just a few of the toys that feature Tink and Clott. These hit the market in the autumn of 2012.
Like Moshi Monsters, Bin Weevils achieved cult status in a short space of time. With Character Options legendary attention to detail, plus books and a Top Trumps game available, we know that Bin Weevils toys are a big hit. Panini are signed up to the Bin Weevils licence for stickers and albums, whilst well known publisher Macmillan are on board for the books. Such is the popularity of this brand, the company have also announced a deal with a clothing manufacturer to produce a large range of branded tops, trousers and shoes.
The world's most famous online retailer sells an unparalleled selection of toys.