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Bath Toys

Every parent knows that bath time is a fantastic source of fun for their kids, and a nightmare time for them! There's no shortage of bath time toys to aid the splashing and frivolity that accompanies this nightly event. Apart from the compulsory yellow plastic duck or a tug boat, there's a terrific selection of bath toys that stimulate and educate the kids whilst having so much excitement. Bubble blowing is a kid's favourite pastime, and various bath toys that will blow out soapy water to help create mayhem are top of the shopping list.

Several types of bath toys such as a water-wheel or helter skelter can be fastened to the side of a tub with suckers, and will create patterns or shapes as the water flows through. If that doesn't create enough mess, try buying various animals or objects that will squirt water at mum, dad, brother or little sister! Probably the best bath toy of all is an activity bar. This clamps to each side of the bath and has several different water toys attached to it.

If that's still not enough, there's a great selection of musical bath toys that make different notes when blown with different quantities of water in them. Nothing excites the kids more however than a clockwork turtle or dolphin bath toy that floats on the surface and paddles its way to the sibling at the other end! The best fun is trying to sink it with sponges or other missiles before it stops for a rewind. Various other floating boats are popular at bath time, and even a submarine that dives and surfaces will be a big hit with the kids.

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